Saturday, May 24, 2008


Both of the girls got their hair cut yesterday. Before: long hair for everyone!

It was Ava's first haircut. She did great!

That's a lot of hair :(

Emma wanted an inverted bob. She even got the clippers!!

Ahhh, summer hair :)

Water Play in the Baby Pool

It was 100 degrees yesterday so we put Vinny in his little pool. It wasn't long before the girls and a couple neighborhood kids were in it, too :)

In case you've been lucky enough not to have experienced this, we call it hippopotomus. LOL Ava didn't want me to take any more pictures of her. Granted it was after 8 and we were just getting dinner ready, she hadn't napped and she sat though a puppet play at Emma's school and having her hair cut. Really, I'm making excuses...she does this a lot.

Emma Made All Stars!!!

It was worth it to sit through the two hours of Closing Ceremonies to see Emma's reaction to having her name announced for All Stars! She was so excited! Unfortunately, she won't be able to play, as she has already made a commitment to swim team. We are so proud of her!

Emma and her BFF Grace.

Ava was more interested in the dirt :)

Random Cuteness

He may only have two teeth but Vinny LOVES watermelon!

I love it when he sits on his knees. Too Cute!

Waving Hello!

Vinny is almost 11 months old :( He says Hi, Mama, Emma and says "A" for Ava. He has started taking a few steps. Where does the time go??

Ava's Last Day of Preschool

Ava's preschool started summer break last week. She loved preschool and can't wait to go back in the fall. However, she is not too keen on changing rooms or teachers :) She got to have cider from Starbucks for the special occasion.

The view of the historic Church Tower from the ground.

She has missed school so much that she insisted on napping on her school mat.

March For Babies

We had a great time Marching fro Babies on May 10. We marched from Auditorium Shores up Congress, to the Capitol Building and back. It wasn't too hot...only 90 or so :) The kids had a great time and Ava keeps asking when we are going to go on THE WALK again :) We had lots of support from family and friends and plan on making it out to march every year.

In front of the Capitol Building of the Great State of Texas.

Our Inspiration

At the finish line. WooHoo!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hawaiian Day at Ava's Preschool

I got to volunteer at Ava's school for their Hawaiian Luau. It was lots of fun!!