Last month when I took Emma for her check up with the pediatrician, I was shocked that she could barely read the eye chart. The doctor told me her vision was 20/100. She never even complained about her eyes (and I might remind you, she made all-stars in softball). Well, the optometrist did say that it wasn't quite as bad as the ped had said but that Emma would need to wear glasses. Her vision is worse than mine:( Of course, she has such an awesome attitude that for her wearing glasses is just one more way to show her sense of style. I let her choose whichever glasses she wanted. She decided on a "Bratz" pair. She was so jazzed that I let her actually have something "Bratz", which have been banned from our home. Her glasses came in today. She is also modeling her new haircut which was difficult to see in the school pics below because her hair was still wet. She is one cute girl :))
While I was taking those photos of Emma, Vinny was screaming at me to take one of him. He's all smiles for the camera :)
Boohoo, my baby just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Emma started 3rd grade today. She was so happy to find out that she got Mrs. Pinter and her BFF, Grace is also in her class. She chose her own clothes and did her own hair... :( She still needs me for a ride, though.
Vinny wants to do whatever Mommy does. Apparently, I spend half my day getting pretty and the other half cleaning. My husband is afraid he might catch the gay. I think he'll make a great husband (or hairdresser....whatever...LOL )
Emma and Ava have been obsessed with playing with my hair lately. The other night, Emma gave me this 'do. She said "Mom, I learned how to tease by watching you get dressed up for 80s Bunco Night" ROFL
Aug 1 was World Breastfeeding Day. We attended an Austin celebration at City Hall. Oh, and I won a campaign-writing competition :)) My inspirational words will be coming soon to Austin City buses, billboards and posters in WIC offices. Just doing my part to "Keep Austin Breastfeeding".