The other night Hilary mentioned that every time she opens my blog, she is asked to sign in to Twitter. I thought that it was just me because, well, this is my blog. So, I have a few questions that will help me decide whether or not to keep my twitter updates here. 1: Do you have to sign in with your own Twitter account in order to see my Tweets over there-------> right under my profile? 2: If you don't have a Twitter account at all, can you see my tweets? 3: Is the sign-in thing so annoying that is out-weighs having my Tweets posted here? Thanks. kiss. kiss.
Oh yeah, and Staci, we want your blog :))
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Emma is an All Star!
Closing Day was Thursday. Emma was announced as an All Star for her division. She was so excited and we are so proud of her. She is going to be BUSY this summer with 4-6 practices per week. And that's on top of the 5 days a week she will be swimming. She is bummed that she will have to miss a few swim meets because of softball tournaments but I think she will be too busy to think about it. Beto and I knew that she made the All Star team but we didn't tell her so that she could be surprised (unfortunately, one of her teammates told her before she heard her name announced) but we didn't know that she was going to get an award for hitting a Grand Slam. She was one of about 10 girls in the league across all divisions to get a Grand Slam award. So proud!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Yep, I'm bragging.
And you can shut up right now with your "well, you've been sick all week so it doesn't count" bullshit. Don't hate. Congratulate. Even if a little of it comes back after I feel better, I would like to relish in the fact that my scale shows a 20 pound weight loss. I'm back to pre-Ava size. If you are counting, it's been 5 long years since my scale registered this number. I'm going to enjoy it for a minute. I took some rather unattractive pictures of my girth back in January when I started this journey (you're hilarious, I am so not sharing) and I took some more today. It's nice to see your fat shrink :) So, since I am physically unable to take a photo of myself, I thought I'd share my all-time favorite photo of me. I look like this again. Oh, and since I met my first goal, I'm going to a certain doctor to discuss some *ahem* rejuvenation. Maybe next time you see me, I'll look even better than this :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ava the Tadpole
Emma's swim team, The Fast Frogs, has a developmental program for younger swimmers called The Tadpoles. It is basically swim lessons, but Ava gets to sort of be part of the swim team. The head coach is at her practices, etc. She has waited so excitedly to start today, two weeks after Frogs' practices started. She had a great time and didn't she just look darling?

Monday, May 11, 2009
Thank You Thank YouThank You

Thanks to all of our generous supporters, we were able to raise $340 for the March of Dimes. We had a great time and Emma was happy to learn that they shortened the course this year from 5.1M to 3.2M. She was very sleepy after going to a sleepover the night before but she barely complained. Beto was a good sport, too, for getting up early on his birthday. It was a great day :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
All Right, All Right.
Sorry for lagging. Spring seems to be the craziest time of year for me. Always has been. Even before I had babies. Emma's Swim season has started up, softball is getting very intense and with some recent rain-outs, make-up games are filling up our nights off. This week, Emma has swim every day at 5:15 and softball every day at 6. Somehow, I've got to fit dinners into that schedule... Then dentist appointments, some volunteer commitments at the school, a homework project for Ava, Emma has a Bday party to go to, the March for Babies on Sat, as well as Beto's birthday and Mother's Day. And I have to work a couple of is like this every week during the spring. And to top it off, it is San Diego beautiful outside, so I have to resist the urge to ditch my laundry to head outdoors.
Anyhoo, I don't have much to rant or rave about. Last week we took all 3 of the kids for haircuts. Emma just got a quick trim because she is "too old for Snipits to style her hair" I can't believe how long we let Vinny's hair grow!

Yes, he is as mischievous as he looks!! But don't you just want to squish him?

She got glitter, gems and a ribbon. She loved it but I thought it bordered on dog grooming...shhh.

This past weekend, Emma and I went on an awesome adventure with her GS Troop to Great Wolf Lodge. We had so much fun. I even put on my bathing suit AND went on the slides! I may not be the skinny mini of my aspirations but I felt better AND seeing some of those milfs in their bathing suits was an excellent motivator!

Other updates:
1) We took Vinny to speech therapy for an eval and her assessment was exactly the same as the EIC eval: he has a slight expressive language delay but tests at or above age level for all other developmental milestones and no signs of autism (there was no doubt, but they eval for that anyway). After talking to lots of other moms of boys who talked late and have no problems now, we decided to hold off on the therapy for a little while. He is only 22 months and he has been slowly adding more words. He'll get there :)
2) The diet is trucking along. No great losses to write about but no gains, either :) I'm totally back on the wagon.
3) My newest obsession is Twitter. See, I just checked my Twitter account and Maria Shriver and Miley Cyrus (Emma begged me to add her :) want to follow me. Isn't that cute? Me and Mrs. Terminator are tight :)) Get on and play with me. And if you still aren't on Facebook, come on now. Even the White House has a facebook page!
4) If you have any spare change or if you are free on Sat, I am Marching for Babies at Auditorium Shores. Please, please, please donate a few dollars or come out and walk.
Anyhoo, I don't have much to rant or rave about. Last week we took all 3 of the kids for haircuts. Emma just got a quick trim because she is "too old for Snipits to style her hair" I can't believe how long we let Vinny's hair grow!
This past weekend, Emma and I went on an awesome adventure with her GS Troop to Great Wolf Lodge. We had so much fun. I even put on my bathing suit AND went on the slides! I may not be the skinny mini of my aspirations but I felt better AND seeing some of those milfs in their bathing suits was an excellent motivator!

1) We took Vinny to speech therapy for an eval and her assessment was exactly the same as the EIC eval: he has a slight expressive language delay but tests at or above age level for all other developmental milestones and no signs of autism (there was no doubt, but they eval for that anyway). After talking to lots of other moms of boys who talked late and have no problems now, we decided to hold off on the therapy for a little while. He is only 22 months and he has been slowly adding more words. He'll get there :)
2) The diet is trucking along. No great losses to write about but no gains, either :) I'm totally back on the wagon.
3) My newest obsession is Twitter. See, I just checked my Twitter account and Maria Shriver and Miley Cyrus (Emma begged me to add her :) want to follow me. Isn't that cute? Me and Mrs. Terminator are tight :)) Get on and play with me. And if you still aren't on Facebook, come on now. Even the White House has a facebook page!
4) If you have any spare change or if you are free on Sat, I am Marching for Babies at Auditorium Shores. Please, please, please donate a few dollars or come out and walk.
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