It seems Vinny has 9 lives. The other night, Beto and I were upstairs and we were distracted for a few seconds...just long enough for Vinny to attempt his favorite stunt. All we heard was "thumpity-thump-thump" as Vinny failed his mission and fell all the way down these stairs :( He was totally fine, just scared because his parents (when I say parents, I mean father) were Fah-Reaking OUT.

Anytime that the gate is not on the stairs, Evel Vin is dashing to get up or down. The little stinker.

Ava is still able to con him into playing "baby" with her :)
Ok little Danielle/Beto Jr!! Hims has his curlies now...Too cute
Fah-reaking out, I must remember that one! Those curls!!! I just cannot wait til you get here so I can see everyone in person. The girls are awesome, just the cutest little fam-a-lee ever!:)
xo gid
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