Vinny is crazy. He cracks me up every day. He is 16 months old and STILL refuses to use any of the words that he knows. Well except for "Muh". He goes insane when he hears the faint little tinkle of Murphy's (our next door neighbor's dog) dog tags. Yes, he calls the neighbor's dog by name but doesn't like to say Mama. I'm not a fan of his hierarchy assignment. Like the typical baby of the family, he has perfected the art of pointing and grunting until somebody guesses the object of his desire. Little stinker. His newest obsessions are shoes and climbing. oy vey. Here is a video of his usual dancing spot accompanied by the usual result. You'd think he'd learn. Nope. (PS at the very end, that is Ava scolding me "It's not funny!!" I'm the awesome mom who videotapes then mocks her toddler falling from a ledge.)
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