Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back on the Fatty Wagon

Dammit!! So, I did good for the first half of the year. I lost 20 pounds before my CA vacation. I was eating right and working out, my skin was looking nice. THEN, CA happened. Holy burrito. I stopped working out the day I got on that plane. I reportedly ate 10ish burritos in 2 weeks then granny died and I had to go back a week later only to eat more burritos. I mean really, granny's service was catered by CARMEN'S...drool! And my cousins made me drink way too much. Then bathing suit season quickly went away and well, that was just another excuse to eat poorly and not exercise.

I regained 7 pounds and it's all flabby bc I haven't done a single sit-up in 3 months.

I am back on the fatty wagon as of yesterday. My 35th birthday (what? NOOOOOO!) is in a couple weeks and then i am going on vacation with my besties in January. Buy the way, these hookers are all CA skinny :( Even if I lose another 20 pounds, I will STILL be the fattest one there :( So, back at it I am. Please don't offer me anything with flavor. Kthanksbye.


Unknown said...

Can we drive over to PS in January to say hi? We meaning your mother and me!? Maybe we'll check in to some fab resort and just chill for the weekend...sounds divine right now. :)

Beth said...

OMG, that made me totally LOL. You are NOT back on the fatty wagon! 7 pounds isn't the end of the world. I totally gained 7 pounds over a 2 week Hawaii vacation in September, by the way, and have been working my butt off since and have only lost 3.5 of it! Damnit, why can I put it on so quickly and it takes forever to get it off? I've got your back, girl - I'm right there with you. Get back on track, you can do it!