We went to church again today. It was nice for Emma, Ava and I but Vinny didn't handle the nursery very well again. He didn't cry when we left him but when Beto went to check on him about 15 minutes later, he was crying really hard. So, Beto took him out and thus began our second stay in the "comfort room", which I've decided is code for freak gathering. No, I'm not here for a playdate. I don't want to talk to you about breastfeeding. I just want to listen. It got so annoying that Beto decided to take Vinny out to the car to wait. I got to sit quietly alone to listen the the rest of the sermon, which was fantastic. The minister talked about Henry David Thoreau, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, JR and Soulforce, an organization that fights for the freedom of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from religious and political oppression. Yay, we know this is one of my favorite issues. We finished by singing "We Shall Overcome". The girls' lessons in their age-group classes were about tolerance and curiosity. So, I'll admit I am enjoying the church thing. Unfortunately, since Vinny won't do the nursery (we knew it was risky because it is during nap time), he and Beto will be staying home while I take the girls to church. We'll try again in a few months.

At the park, I ran into one of my neighbors. We chit-chatted while we pushed our kids on the swings. It looked a lot like this:

You crack me up. Great post!
Love it. Love the generic googled images, love the good wholesome Sunday outings =P , and best of all, love the Danielle-sarcasm I know I can count on when opening your blog. LOVE it. =D
Sounds like you just did a FEW things in one day, hmmm?
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