On this, the holiest day of the resurrection of Christ, I was tempted to give the kids some
candy canes to really remind them of the pureness of Christ and the blood he shed. And that reminded me that all of this fun I have been having with the holy candy canes was a gift from Amanda. As I was cleaning my office a few weeks ago, I came across the artwork in question. Right there on the back was the artist's name: Cayden. That's right, NOT Ava. I about peed my pants at this discovery, especially given the fact that the day she brought it home Amanda and I were mocking it and she was laughing about how Ava's teachers are always giving her religious projects and that Cayden, and I quote "never comes home with that kind of crap." Bwahahahaha.
It goes without saying that Easter is pretty low key at our house. Baskets, candy, find some eggs and have a nice dinner. The kids have no idea what this holiday is about but they happily accept the candy.

The Loot



And really, the whole point of this post is to whore the baskets that I made for the kids. Well, made is a loose term meaning hot-glued some ribbon on. What matters is that I am most certainly the bestest mother ever, you other mothers can't deny. Of course I was at Target at 9:00 the night before and these baskets got their dose of hot glue at 3:00 am. It's sacrifices like this (procrastination) that make me better :)) Happy Easter.

1 comment:
Good job you heathen from hell! Do you just type away and crack yourself up the whole time? You DO crack me up! How like your mother you are, pulling an all-nighter the night before. Deja vu all over again. :)
xo Peg
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