Monday, March 31, 2008

We'll have to Walk to Get There....

Beto and I will be walking in this year's March of Dimes' March for Babies in honor of our son. You will all be receiving a fundraising letter this week. You can donate to our team via the link here on my blog. While working with babies these past 5 years, the March of Dimes has always been a cause near and dear to me. It got quite up close and personal this past summer when we had Vin prematurely. While doing some personal research, I was amazed to find that as recently as 20 years ago, Vinny might have died due to his premature lungs. The therapy most instrumental in saving him-surfactant- was discovered through research funded by the March of Dimes (coincidentally by a doctor at UCSD). We will be forever grateful and plan to make the March for Babies a yearly family event. Please consider making a small donation to help Save the Babies.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A new job

As some of you know, I have changed jobs. Since moving to Austin, I have struggled with working for a for-profit hospital system. It was very different from Scripps and I had been mostly unhappy. Then I had Vinny and they saved his life. So, for a while, I had a new level of respect for the place. However over the past couple of months, I had been able to separate my feelings of gratitude from my overall job satisfaction. I did not become a nurse to help some old white man become a billionaire. I desperately needed to get back to a non-profit. Unfortunately, the pickings were slim. After lots of soul searching, I decided to sign on with the Catholic system. They built a brand new facility just a few short, peaceful, cow-lined miles from my home. You can see it here: Seton Medical Center Williamson It is absolutely beautiful and it is so exciting to be one of the first staff members in a brand new, state of the art facility. I feel like I have finally found a place where I can practice with peace of mind :)

Now, to train for my serene new job I had to take on the most horrifying schedule these last two weeks: 8-5 Mon-Fri!! I am in utter disbelief and amazement that some of you do this schedule all the time. I am especially amazed that my sister does this all by herself! My house was an absolute disaster, my kids (esp Ava and Vinny) were mad at me and I was so damn tired. If I had to do it for just one more week, I think I would have cracked.

I think all is good for a while now :)

Emma's Biography Report

Last Thursday, Emma gave her big presentation on Amelia Earhart. She did such a great job and even dressed the part (that's my old Brownie uniform!) I was so proud of her! Sorry. Once, again my video file is too big. I really don't want to put this stuff up on youtube so y'all are going to have to wait until our next visit to CA to see all of our exciting home videos. Please don't die in anticipation :)) Here's a photo to hold you over.


Easter is usually pretty mellow for us. This year we had a little egg hunt in our house. The kids got baskets and candy and we had a nice ham dinner. We had a nice time. Vinny loved the colored eggs.


Yep, only in Texas do the school kids take time out of their curriculum to learn line and square dancing!! Sorry, my video file was too large to post but just imagine "God Bless Texas" and yodel odle odle yay eee who! Emma looked so cute in this get up from Auntie Sara.

Spring Break

My parents came to visit for Emma's entire Spring Break. We had a great visit. I told my dad about a stage "I" wanted to build for the girls in the game room for them to do their singing, dancing and fashion shows. What do you think happened next?
LOL. It is awesome. I can't wait to finish it off with a disco ball, lights and a curtain. The girls already love it! Thanks, Papa & Dad :)

Mom and I had fun taking the kids to Central Market for lunch and playground and to the Children's Museum on Community Night. We also took the kids to see Horton Hears a Who (Ava and Vinny's first movie in a theater).
We had such a great visit. We miss our Papa and NooNoo so much, we almost want to move back to Cali :(

Monday, March 17, 2008

Six Flags Spring Break

While my parents visited, we decided to take the kids to Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio. We had such a great time! It was awesome having more adults than kids and us adults got to ride some great roller coasters. The kids were well behaved and it wasn't too hot. Fun, fun, Fun!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Another CrAzY Week :)

Ava goes to a cooperative preschool. This week I got to be classroom helper. Ava loves it when I am in her classroom. Here she is on the playground. She insists on wearing her hair down like Emma.

Emma had Opening Day and her first softball game on Saturday. She went 3 for3 and her team, Orange Krush, won 7-5. Woo Hoo!! However, soon after she came home, she started complaining of ear pain. We spent 3 hours in the ER to get some antibiotics. Party on Sat night.

Vinny has become a ham and has taken to posing and smiling for the camera. He is now eight months old.

He fell completely asleep while jumping in his Jumparoo :)

My biggest baby had to go to Urgent Care and was diagnosed with Strep. Is there anything more pathetic than a man when he's sick?
Baby Vinny added a new trick to his repertoire.

He melts his mama's heart :)