Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Because I Love (most of) You

I have been using my "resources" to find hilarity on the internet. I have really hit the jackpot lately. Thanks to The Bestest Celebrity blogger ever, Michael K., we and half the country have been introduced to one of the best new websites in a long time, PeopleofWalmart.com. It almost makes me want to go there, but not the fancy one I've already been to here in Round Rock. I want to go on a mission to an awesome Walmart in Backwoods, TX to try to capture one of my own. Anyone up for a road trip? I have also found these little peeyourpants nuggets: shitmydadsays and dontevenreply. There are some others listed over there-------> under "My Favorite Places". Now that I have provided you with at least one solid hour of entertainment, it's payback time. Go out and find me some more links and post them here in the comments. We'll all love you for it. Or at least I will :)