Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vinny is Two!!

He started out his big day with a Baseball Cupcake for breakfast.
We had the Lewtons over for BBQ and cupcakes.
They showed off their baby (OMG...Vinny used to be that little...sniff, sniff...hurry into the kitchen before anyone catches you crying) and we all ooh and ahhed about little baby Mason. Ava says "He's so cute. I can't even think about it in my head!!" Emma couldn't wait to get her hands on him.
Vinny got lots of BALLS! and various ball hitting equipment.
And soon this:
And this:

Turned into this:

One day, we will get a good picture with everyone smiling at the camera, not showing their underwear or flashing gang signs(or some kind of jazz hands wtf?) or making silly faces. Until then, we will keep trying :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm Not Coping Well

So, a few days before Vinny's second birthday, I was refolding the baby blankets that he and Ava had scattered all over his room playing fort/tent/baby/mail/ghost. As I was doing the basket of receiving blankets, I thought to myself "I should probably just give these to Amanda. We haven't used them in over a year." But as I folded each one, I was flooded with memories of the sweet little bundle that they used to swaddle. I remembered the moment I laid eyes on him (tears).
I recalled the roller coaster of emotions we rode for the next seven days (lots and lots of tears).
I remembered how I felt when I finally got to hold him again (tears).
And how I treasured giving him a bath in the hospital the night before he was discharged.
I laughed when I got to the Yankee blanket and recalled how little I cared about what he was wearing when we finally got to take him home (snort).

I looked at the blankets and realized that I would never have another little bundle to swaddle (omg, the kids are going to see me crying like an idiot over blankets, wipe, wipe). He might be two and not technically a baby. But he's my baby. And he might want to be swaddled again sometime soon. So I put the blankets back in the basket and there they will stay. And in my heart, my little love will always look like this:
My beautiful boy. You have brought so much love and joy to my life. You have pushed me to be more patient and forced me to be thankful for every moment. Happy Second birthday, Sweet Vincent Chase.